Tiled Shower Base Replacements


If your existing tiled shower base is old, cracked, leaking or in need of a makeover, we can replace your tiled shower base with new.

In order to replace a tiled shower base, the wall lining or wall lining must also be removed as the waterproofing membrane barrier must cover the flooring beneath the shower base, and lip up the walls in the shower to the height of the shower head to comply with Australian waterproofing and building regulations.

The Process

To do this, firstly we remove your existing shower screen. After removing the shower screen, all wall tiles and plaster/sheeting behind the wall tiles inside the shower are removed. We then remove your existing shower base, whether it be polymarble or an existing tiled shower base. Next we treat any wood rot, or add in additional timber framing if existing timber framing is rotten due the a previous shower leak. We install new wall linings to the shower recess (plaster/sheeting) and install a Hebel hob. Hebel is an aerated lightweight concrete block designed for the use in shower construction. Hebel is used to create the perimeter of the shower base where your shower screen will eventually sit once the Hebel has been waterproofed and tiled in the same tile as your shower base or bathroom floor. We will now waterproof your shower recess- first we apply polyurethane to all junctions in the sheeting and Hebel, and then we provide a 2 step seamless barrier of waterproof membrane completely over the shower base, shower hob and wall lining, to ensure your shower never leaks again.

Next we install a screed bed which is constructed onsite from a mix of sand a cement to provide the correct fall to your shower waste (drain) so that water drains towards the waste adequately.  The screed is also the solid bed that your tiles will need to be bedded onto, as you cannot have tiles laid directly on timber flooring or concrete slabs as they will crack without a supportive bed.

Once the screed is dry, we then tile your shower base and hob using a tile of your choice. The wall tiles must not be tiled in the same day as the shower base, as this will cause your wall tiles to put too much weight on your wet shower base tiles, causing them to lift. Only the day after the shower base tiles have been laid can the shower recess wall tiles be laid. Once the shower recess wall tile adhesive has cured 24 hours later, we can return to grout the shower recess. The caulking (silicone) to the shower recess is then applied the next day along with the new shower screen. Once your shower screen has been installed the shower is ready for use the following morning.

From start to finish, this process usually takes 9-10 days. Unfortunately it cannot be completed any faster than this as it is paramount that curing times for waterproofing, tile adhesives, grouts and caulking are adhered to ensure your shower is leak free for years to come. We provide a 10 year warranty on this service.

Important tip: Never let anyone tell you that you can only replace the bottom row of tiles in the shower recess as not only will your shower not comply with waterproofing and building codes, you will have a break and join in the waterproofing which is guaranteed to cause your shower to leak. The grout join between the old and new tiles will eventually crack and water will penetrate the junction where the waterproof joins. We have come across many handyman and DIY jobs where only the bottom row of wall tiling (instead of the whole shower)  has been replaced with a shower base replacement, and instead of getting the job done properly the first time, home-owners are having to pay a lot more to fix the structural damage that the leak has caused from shoddy noncompliant work rather than having it done properly in the first instance.

About Us

The Shower Man is a family-owned businessbased in Melbourne, with many yearsexperience in the plumbing and tilingindustries.

Contact Us

Phone: 1300 287 188