Is your shower looking tired and in need of a makeover? Do you have signs of leakage such as missing or mouldy grout? Are your skirting boards or door jambs and architraves beginning to swell due to a shower leak? Cracked or damaged tiles in the shower? Has your shower been leaking and tiles have began to fall off? Does your shower need waterproofing due to a leak?
Our Shower Recess Re-tile Walls package would be the perfect shower renovation makeover option for you.
When selecting this option we remove your shower screen, then dispose of all of your existing shower wall tiles from inside your shower recess. We remove and dispose of all sheeting or plaster behind the wall tiles in the shower. We then treat any rotten timber framing, reinforcing if necessary before installing fresh new plaster or sheeting. Our 2 step waterproofing system is then applied and then we retile the shower recess walls.
Finally before installing your shower screen we apply new grout and silicone to provide a waterproof shower recess that will not only look fantastic but will also be waterproof and shower leakage free with our 10 Year guarantee.
You could also have this package done in conjunction with your shower base replacement or also just on its own. This process usually takes 5 days as to ensure a quality finished product we must adhere to manufacture curing times for the waterproofing, tile adhesives and grout products. You will still have full access to the remainder of your bathroom for the duration of the works and the mains water will not be turned off.
Please be extremely weary of any tradesman that claims to be able to retile your shower recess walls in less than 5 days, as the only way that is possible is if corners are being cut, waterproofing layers/coats skipped, tiles being laid onto wet uncured waterproofing membrane, or grouting tiles that the adhesive has not cured. This should never be done, however we hear time and time again from clients that this is being offered to them by other companies at bargain prices. You may save money in the short term, however you will end up
paying double in the long run when a few months later the shower needs to be stripped out and re-done when it’s leaking again due to the incorrect process being followed.